Just some tid bits about our life!
I think that is about it for our crazy Christmas! I love the giving and receiving of presents, but five Christmases is more than enough! Hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and that Santa brought you everything that you wanted! Now we can look forward to an exciting 2010!!!
Love, Sarah
I probably won't get a chance to blog again until after Christmas, so to all of our friends and family - We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Love, Sarah
We got a keg of Pumkinhead again, and I made a carrot cake for the Birthday people. The kids were very interested in the cake!! It is very interesting how parties have changed, just in the last year! This year's party definitely seemed much tamer than last years, and I don't think it went as late either! It was still a lot of fun though, just not quite as crazy as in years past!
There was a game of bocce, and lot's of good food. And one of the highlights of the afternoon (for the boys at least!) was a game of throw-the-hammer-catch-the-hammer-try-to-hit-a-nail. I am not exactly sure what the point of the game was other than a bunch of guys standing around a log with nails in it, drinking beer and throwing a hammer around. . .they seemed to enjoy it immensly though, so I guess I can't complain - at least they were entertained for a while!
It did get quite cold once the sun went down, so there was a lot of huddling in the living room or the basement for warmth rather than sitting around the fire!!
Sorry for the lack of specifics! It has been a while since the party! But, the moral of the story is that everyone seemed to have a great time and we can't wait to do it all over again next year for Derrick and Lisa's 30th!! Though, I am pretty sure that we are going to try to have it a little bit earlier so it isn't so cold!!
Click Here to see more pictures of the party.
Until next time!
Love, Sarah
4. Ladle cucumber mixture into hot jars, leaving 1/2 inch head space. Remove air bubbles and adjust head space, if necessary, by adding hot cucumber mixture. Wipe rim. Center lid on jar. Screw band down until resistance is met, then increase to fingertip-tight.
5. Place jars in canner, ensuring they are completely covered with water. Bring to a boil and process for 10 minutes. Remove canner lid. Wait 5 minutes, then remove jars, cool and store.
We have enjoyed these pickles on hot dogs and burgers and I am sure they would be very good as a pairing for any kind of BBQ!! I hope you enjoy them!!
Love, Sarah
Sunday morning we had to get up early for the trek back to Maine and Derrick's cousin Barb's wedding in Lewiston. We made it home with just enough time to shower and change. We arrived in Lewiston to behold the magic that is the blue tarp cathedral that Uncle Ray and others built in the yard!! It is quite a sight to see, and gave D ideas about how to build a smaller scale tarp building to house our riding lawnmower, cart, and motorcycle!
The wedding was a lot of fun, and it was a gorgeous day! All of the food was delicious, and it was great to spend time with family! Congratulations Barb and Jason!!
After the wedding we went over to Jason and Amy's and continued the party. I continued the party a little too much, because we were supposed to stay and watch a scary movie, but I decided at the last minute that I wanted to go home. Hey, it's a woman's perogotive to change her mind, right?
So we went home! Monday was another glorious day! We puttered around the house and ran errnads and ended the weekend with an awesome lobstah dinner on the porch! Why can't every weekend be a long weekend?
7 cups Blueberries
2 3/4 cups Unsweetened Apple Juice
1 Tbsp Grated Lemon Zest
1 1/4 cups Granulated Sugar
2/3 cup Corn Syrup
1/4 cup Lemon Juice
So, if you are lucky enough to score a jar of our blueberry sauce, then enjoy! If you are not so lucky - have fun making your own!
We managed to get the tents set up, as well as the dining canopy and another tarp before the rains started. And boy did it rain!! We huddled under the canopy playing cards. At one point we realized that the picnic table under the canopy was unfortunately situated in a low area, so the puddle around our feet just grew and grew! Eventually we moved to the other picnic table under the tarp. At one point the rain was so loud that we could barely hear eachother speaking! There was a lull between storms, but it rained for a long time!
We were lucky though, it did stop later in the evening, and it only rained lightly through the night. We got plenty of phone calls Friday night with people deciding that they were going to stay home rather than try to set up their tents in the dark and rain. Jason and Amy did show up just in time for us all to go to bed! They slept in the tent, and I think that the rest of us stayed pretty dry. . .well, other than Katie and Brad!
Saturday morning looked pretty good, and all of the people that were supposed to show up on Friday night made it to the campground fairly early (which is good since I had forgotten yeast for the english muffins!!!) Breakfast got underway. . .although I guess I should really call it brunch. .or even lunch! Once again, our gigantic frying pan did a spectacular job of cooking breakfast over the fire! Oh, and Derrick did an ok job too:) And, we had english muffins with homemade jam for desert! After breakfast, the guys and Amy and I went disc golfing, and everyone else went to the campground pool. It was an extremely hot day, and we were all very happy to jump in the pool after disc! The boys decided to go out for another round after lunch, and us girls spent the afternoon around the campfire. We then got to feast on a bucket of bbq meat that Jason had prepared, and Amy had diligently stirred all afternoon! I am sure that Katie will agree that the highlight of the evening was her trip to the ER due to breathing problems. Apparently sleeping in a moldy tent is not so good for you! Needless to say Katie and Brad did not stay the night again on Saturday.
Sunday was a little bit overcast, but we were hoping that any rain would hold off until we were all backed up. Kelsey and Blinky made breakfast while Josh, Becky, Steve-O, Derrick, and I packed up our tents. We left around 11 and Derrick and I just went home and cleaned and vegged for the rest of the day. Exciting ending, I know!!
For more pictures from our camping trip, click here.9 cups of water
9 cups of white vinegar
1 cup of pickling or canning salt
@ 27 pickling cucumbers, ends trimmed and sliced lengthwise (to make spears,
you know what they should look like. . .)
Mustard Seeds
Red Pepper Flakes
Fresh Dill
@27 Garlic Cloves, pealed
1. Prepare the jars and lids (I put the jars through the dishwasher with no
detergent, and I boil the lids in a saucepan on the stove)
2. Combine the water, vinegar, and salt in a large pot. Bring the mixture to
a boil, stirring occasionally to disolve the salt.
3. Pack the cucumbers in the jars, we estimate a total of about 3 cucumbers
per jar, but just keep packing them in until you can't pack anymore!
4. In each jar add a few sprigs of the dill, about three garlic cloves, a pinch of mustard seed, and a generous pinch of red pepper flakes.
5. Fill each jar with the hot vinegar mixture to within about 1/2-1/4 inch of the rim. Release any airbubbles and add more vinegar mixture as necessary.
6. Wipe the edge of the rim. Center lid on the jar and screw on the lid rim. Place the jars in canner full of boiling water so that the water just covers the jars. Place the lid on the canner and process for about 10 minutes. Remove the jars and place them upside to cool.
You may notice that there is a big vat of chili in the background of the pictures. I just wanted to let you know that the chili is not part of the recipe and is not required in order for your pickles to be a success. . .but, it doesn't hurt to have something to eat once you have finished all the cleaning up though:)
Love, Sarah
For pictures of the chearleaders. . .I mean of the game. . .click here: http://s295.photobucket.com/albums/mm160/arolin1/Patriots%20Game%202009/
Love, Sarah
10 cups sliced trimmed pickling cucumbers (I used field
cucumbers)4 medium onions, thinly sliced
1/2 cup pickling or canning salt
3 cups white vinegar
2 cups granulated sugar
2 tbsp mustard seeds
2 tbsp prepared horseradish
2 tbsp grated gingerroot
1. In a glass or stainless steel bowl, combine cucumbers, onions and salt. Mix well, cover with cold water and let stand at room temperature for 2 hours. Transfer to a colander placed over a sink, rinse with cool running water and drain thoroughly.
2. Meanwhile, prepare canner, jars and lids.
3. In a large stainless steel saucepan, combine vinegar, sugar, mustard seeds, horseradish, and gingerroot. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring to dissolve sugar. Stir in vegetables and return to a boil.