Sunday, August 2, 2009

We are getting old!

This has been a wonderful weekend! Friday night we went to Bed Bath and Beyond and spent our wedding gift certificates. We were going to get a new, smaller trash can. . .but we ended up getting one that was the same size! So we will have to take it back and exchange it. We also got a new bed set! It is very pretty, and it goes pretty well with the bright orange walls! We then went to watch the new Harry Potter movie at the iMax in Saco! The first twelve minutes are in 3D,and the movie was pretty good! Not nearly as good as the book, but then again, they never are!
Saturday I went and got my hair cut for Locks of Love again! Ten inches gone, just like that!

We spent the rest of the day outside! I read all day while Derrick worked on the lawnmower. . .again! He wasn't able to get it fixed, so we had to call the small engine repair guy that worked on the snowblower. He came and took a look at it, but couldn't figure it out so he had to take it to his shop.
Saturday night was Katie and Kelsey's 30th birthday bash! We went to Josh and Becky's for dinner, and then caught a ride with them down to Westbrook. The party was a good time, with some flip cup and pong. But, we are getting old and left with the Farrar's around midnight!
And now it is Sunday and it is cloudy and supposed to rain. So there goes all of the things we were thinking about doing for the day! The weekend goes by so fast and I really think that it should be longer!
That is all for now!
Love, Sarah

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