On August 8th (I know, I know, it has been a long time since I have blogged!) Derrick and I went to Baystock to see Guster! We met up with Blinky and Kelsey before the show and went to a Thai buffet place on Congress street that we had been wanting to go to for a while. We were severly disapointed though. . .especially since Derrick had read a review that they had the best Pad Thai in Portland! That is a very bold claim, and while the Pad Thai was pretty good, it wasn't quite the best ever! We then went to Beal's for some icecream and then walked down to the Maine State Pier for the show and to meet up with Nate and Stacey!

For those of you that have never been to or heard of Baystock, it is a benefit concert sponsored by Wright Express (which is how I heard about it!). Proceeds go to benefit the Jessie BC Fund which is a children's cancer charity. I think this was the sixth year that they have had the concert. It used to be a two day event, but now is just one evening on the pier. They have a beer garden, and this year I think it went all the way down to the stage! We were not as close as I would have liked to be, and it was tough to get a good picture of the band, but we scored a railing to lean on, so we were lucky! We got there in time to listen to one of the opening bands, Gypsy Tailwind. They were really good!
And then Guster came on! We had a blast singing along and watching the crowd! There was a lady in front of us that had NO rythm whatsoever! It was hilarious! And then the super drunk girl behind us managed to catch herself on fire (her friend put it out pretty quickly) which was a little bit scary! But, the night air was wonderful and it was great to watch the big sailboats coming into port! Guster is a great band, and I hope they come back to Maine again soon! Derrick thinks I have a thing for the drummer, since I was trying so hard to get a good picture of him! I really wanted to get a good picture of him in action since he drums primarily with his hands rather than sticks!! It is really quite amazing!

There isn't really anything else new! I will be posting about pickle making soon!
To see more pictures of the show and other pictures from August, click here:
http://s295.photobucket.com/albums/mm160/arolin1/August%202009/Love, Sarah
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