Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Well, I am a little bit late, but I hope you all had a great New Years and that 2010 holds everything you hope for! Have you made your resolutions? Are you sticking to your resolutions? I have never made any resolutions. If I was to make one this year I think it would be to get rid of all of the "stuff" that is just sitting in the basement not being used! It is time for a purge! Besides, we need to make room for all the baby "stuff" we are going to need pretty soon:)

We spent New Years Eve at Josh and Becky's house. It was very low key, which was nice. But, definitely a change from past years! It really served to show how much life has changed for us and our group of friends! I went home shortly after midnight, though it was hard to leave considering the show Bo was putting on! The next day I made a big breakfast for all of our house guests. . .can it still be called breakfast when you eat it at noon time?

2010 has already proven to be filled with interesting goings-ons for us! The search for a new truck continues, and the rearranging of the house to make room for baby is well underway! The month of February is going to be an interesting one and should yield a plethora of humorous blog content - Jason and Amy and her two boys are coming to stay with us for the month until they can move into their new house! It will be cramped, but I am sure we will survive!

And that is all the news that is fit to print. . . I think. (I really just don't trust my memory these days!)

Remember that as of the end of January all blog content will be located exclusively at Leave us a comment, start a discussion, upload pictures, or just browse! Hope you visit us there!

Love Sarah