Monday, August 24, 2009

Spicy Dill Pickles

Whereas most of the recipes that I have been using for canning come from the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving (thanks Tracey!), the recipe that I use for my spicy dill pickles is a family recipe. More specifically, it is my Great-Great Aunt Elva's recipe, relayed to my mother as well as my Great-Grandmother could remember it!

For some reason, I have never been able to make a batch that tastes as good as the ones I used to eat every Thanksgiving! There was always a jar in the door of the refrigerator at the house in Magalloway, and I had to restrain myself from eating the entire jar the very first day! Yum Yum! I guess those kinds of flavors just can't be duplicated!

Anywho, here is the recipe! (this recipe makes about 9 quart jars, and I would recommend using the wide mouth jars)

Elva's Spicy Dill Pickles

9 cups of water

9 cups of white vinegar

1 cup of pickling or canning salt

@ 27 pickling cucumbers, ends trimmed and sliced lengthwise (to make spears,
you know what they should look like. . .)

Mustard Seeds

Red Pepper Flakes

Fresh Dill

@27 Garlic Cloves, pealed

1. Prepare the jars and lids (I put the jars through the dishwasher with no
detergent, and I boil the lids in a saucepan on the stove)

2. Combine the water, vinegar, and salt in a large pot. Bring the mixture to
a boil, stirring occasionally to disolve the salt.

3. Pack the cucumbers in the jars, we estimate a total of about 3 cucumbers
per jar, but just keep packing them in until you can't pack anymore!

4. In each jar add a few sprigs of the dill, about three garlic cloves, a pinch of mustard seed, and a generous pinch of red pepper flakes.

5. Fill each jar with the hot vinegar mixture to within about 1/2-1/4 inch of the rim. Release any airbubbles and add more vinegar mixture as necessary.

6. Wipe the edge of the rim. Center lid on the jar and screw on the lid rim. Place the jars in canner full of boiling water so that the water just covers the jars. Place the lid on the canner and process for about 10 minutes. Remove the jars and place them upside to cool.

You may notice that there is a big vat of chili in the background of the pictures. I just wanted to let you know that the chili is not part of the recipe and is not required in order for your pickles to be a success. . .but, it doesn't hurt to have something to eat once you have finished all the cleaning up though:)

Love, Sarah

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