I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas! This year was a busy one! We managed to fit five Christmases in three days! It was really great to spend time with family, but it was definitely a long weekend!
We began the festivities on the 24th in Lewiston at D's Memere's house for Christmas with his Dad and the rest of the Cotes. The whole family managed to make it up this year, so the house was packed!! There was delicious food and lot's of laughter. It was definitely the largest Cote Family Christmas I have been to! To see more pictures from our Christmas in Lewiston, click here:
We had to leave Lewiston just before dinner time to make it to Buxton for Christmas #2. This Christmas was with D's Mom and Brother. The family just keeps growing and growing! This year, Amy's boys celebrated with us and I think they had a good time. Cammy had fun playing with Uncle Derrick, and although we had already had plenty to eat, we managed to consume even more great food! To see more pictures from our Christmas in Buxton, click here:
We got spend Christmas morning just the two of us! Which was great since it was the last peaceful Christmas morning we will get for a very long time! We got up and opened stockings, then had a great breakfast! Then we opened our presents at a very leisurley pace. Sorry, we didn't get any pictures!
For the afternoon it was off to Kezar Falls for Christmas with my family. My parents have a friend and her two daughters living with them, so it was quite a full house! It was great to see everyone though and I was glad that we go to congratulate my brother and his fiancee on their engagement! That's right, my little brother is getting married! They grow up so fast:) We had a great time opening presents, and my parents were VERY surprised with their last gift. . .tickets to the Patriots game on Sunday! My dad cried! The funniest part of the evening came at dinner time when we were eating our Christmas turkey and little Molly kept falling asleep sitting up with her fork in her mouth! Apparently she was too excited to sleep the night before! Too funny! For more pictures of our Kezar Falls Christmas, click here:
Tracey came to stay at our house after Christmas in Kezar and we spent a nice lazy morning together on Saturday. It was good to relax a little bit. Saturday night we headed back to Buxton for Christmas with the Poole and DiBiase families. The nieces and nephews have all grown up so much! We realized that we hadn't seen the DiBiase family since the wedding, and the Poole kids since well before that. They have all grown a foot, and I think a few of them might be shaving already! Or at least that is the way it seems. We enjoyed some delicious fondue and watching the craziness as we try to keep 7 kids under control. They all loved the Nerf swords we got for them. A loud, collective "AAAWWWW!" could be heard when they opened them. Next year it will be even crazier!
I think that is about it for our crazy Christmas! I love the giving and receiving of presents, but five Christmases is more than enough! Hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and that Santa brought you everything that you wanted! Now we can look forward to an exciting 2010!!!
Love, Sarah
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