So, the Monday after Christmas I wasn't feeling well and decided to call out of work. Derrick very rarely is driving to work by himself, but when he does he usually takes the truck. And it is a good thing that he does because less than a mile from the house he braked for a stop sign at the end of Mayall, and since they had not sanded yet the truck wouldn't stop. He slid out into 115 and was t-boned by a Lexus sedan.

He is alright, just a little bruised and sore. He was very lucky! When we went to clean out the truck and I saw the driver's side door I teared up and just turned and hugged Derrick really tightly!

Derrick is alright, but the truck is totalled. And so the search begins! We are hoping to get something without a payment and that can fit a carseat in the back:) We are looking on craigslist mostly, but won't actually buy anything until we get the settlement from the insurance company. Until then we are driving very carefully in my little Accent!

I am just amazed at how incredibly lucky Derrick was to get out of the accident virtually unharmed!! It could have been so much worse!! So, when you go home tonight, hug your spouse or significant other as tight as you can and tell them that you love them! Remember how lucky you are!!
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