Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Hope that you all had a wonderful, fun, and safe Memorial Day weekend! Ah, why can't every weekend be a four day weekend? The weather was wonderful and we had a spectacular time!

Friday we met Heath at Gilbert's Chowdah House downtown for some beers and chowdah. Derrick tried mussels for the first time and he really likes them a lot! Then he met a few of the guys out at the awesome bar in Gray, and I went home to bed! Yup.
Saturday was another beautiful day! We went to the Garden Spot again and picked up the last of our veggie seedlings for the year, as well as some more flowers for the deck. Then I went out with the ladies for my second bachelorette party! We went to Mesa Verde for dinner and then to Bubba's and Oasis for some more drinks and dancing. While I was gone, the guys hung out with Derrick. They had a bonfire and finally burned our Christmas tree! (see pictures on photobucket). Jason brought a gigantic cheeseburger pizza, which I guess was quite delicious! Again, see pictures on photobucket.
I had a blast at my bachelorette-take-two, but I paid for it the next day! I was quite sick the next day and I slept until 1:30, which is something I don't think I have done since college! I wasn't too sick for the BBQ at Katie and Brad's house though! Good food and good friends! The weather was nice and Derrick won a few rounds of beer pong! Good times!
On Monday, my parents and grandparents came over for a BBQ! Despite the wind it was another gorgeous day! We decided to get some lobsters, which everyone enjoyed despite the fact that our lobster crackers were not very useful! We played a couple of games of horseshoes (I got a ringer!!!) and chatted for a while. It was great to get to spend time with my grandparents who I don't get to see very often!
All in all it was a great weekend and we were very sad to see it end! But now we get to look forward to this weekend and the exciting event!! We can't wait!
Love, Sarah

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures of the burning tree! That must have been all Derrick :) Can't wait for tonight, see you soon!
