For those of you that don't know, Superfriends Camping is a camping trip that we go to every year with a group of friends from college. This year was the eighth year of the trip, and the fourth year that we have gone to Pawtuckaway State Park in NH.

We arrived at Pawtuckaway on Friday afternoon. We set up our tent and sat around the campsite for the evening. It did rain a bit in the evening, so we spent most of the time under a canopy instead of around the fire. And, the bugs were pretty bad, so some of us spent a lot of time in the screen house. Luckily we made it to bed just before the torrential downpours started! It rained SOOO hard! It kept some of us awake I think (I sleep like the dead, so I was not woken up by the force of the rain!).
We all survived the flood though and Saturday morning we woke up to just cloudy skys and light rain here or there. We had signed up for Saturday breakfast, so when everyone else started waking up I started cooking! I had decided that I wanted to make some homemade english muffins from the recipe that the Sargents had given me, but I realized that I had only brought about half the yeast I needed! While I was thinking over what I wanted to do, the guys were trying to start a fire. Because of the rain all of the wood was very wet and it took a long time to get the fire going. It took even longer for it to be a good cooking fire! But,finally it was ready! We used our brand new gigantic frying pan to cook up some eggs, bacon, and delicious homefries!! I ended up making the english muffins with the yeast that I had. They ended up a little heavier than I would have liked, but they still tasted great, especially with my homemade strawberry jellies!!

Breakfast took so long that it was really more like lunch! After we were stuffed full of yummy food, we played a game of Trivial Pursuit (yeah, we are an exciting bunch!). We played boys against girls and the game seemed to take FOREVER! The game started out with the girls winning, and the boys (Nate especially) seemed to think that it was entirely because we were getting questions out of the "easy" box of cards! LOL!! They ended up winning anyways since we got tired of playing and finished with a shoot-out (whichever team could answer the most questions from a single card won), so I don't know what they were complaining about! We spent the rest of the afternoon by the lake and then returned to our campsite and the Kennedys started cooking dinner! We realized this year that our meals have become more and more complicated! But, we had some delicious chili and cornbread!
We spent the rest of the night by the fire. Oh yeah, a few people had to run to the store to get s'mores stuff since SOMEONE forgot to get s'mores stuff! Who forgets s'mores stuff???? It's a staple of camping! Anyways, we ended up getting to make s'mores, and Blinky got to show off his new toy - he made a color maker for the fire (see pictures on photobucket)! It is really cool and turns the fire really pretty colors! Luckily it didn't rain on us that night!
After packing up camp, we spent another glorious afternoon on the beach! There was some drama that went down and it turned out that a young girl was supposed to be watching her 3 yr old cousin and wasn't! They pulled him out of the water in time, and I hear that he is going to be ok, but it was pretty scary!
Love, Sarah
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