Monday, July 27, 2009


Recycling is a lot more work than I thought it would be. It's like adding on extra dishes to do. Instead of just tossing something in the trashcan which is right at hand, I have to rinse it and sort it, take full bags of recycling downstairs and then to the dump. Composting is also a lot of work. You have to make sure that the organic scraps make it into a separate container, and then when that container is full you have to take it out to the compost pile, and then rinse the container.
I am not saying this as a complaint. After all, we are doing our part to help the planet and that is a good thing! I am saying this to explain how much effort we put in to doing our little part to help. It is not much, but it is a start.
The downfall of recycling and composting is that we do not generate as much general trash as we used to, and the trash that we do generate tends to be meat scraps and other gross stuff that ends up sitting in the trash until it is full. Sometimes it takes us a week to fill the trash can, and in that time it can become quite smelly. We have been generally able to deal with the smell, but it became VERY apparent on Saturday night that we need to either get a smaller trashcan, or we need to take the trash out as soon as it starts to smell!
Tracey, Derrick, and I arrived home from my Parent's 30th Anniversary party (more on that later) around 10-10:30 we turned on the light to a scene from a horror movie! There were frickin MAGGOTS covering the floor in the kitchen and some of the rug in the living room. Some had even made it as far as the bathroom!! It was one of the more horrifying things I have ever seen! We got out the vacuum and started sucking them up. They really like to burrow in the carpet, so those were tough, and we had to lift everything up to get underneath. But, we got as many as we could see, and we did several sweeps with the vacuum just to be sure.
Needless to say, we plan to guy a smaller trash can very soon, that will hopefully force us to take the trash out more often! Until then, I guess we are just going to have to take it out at the first sign of smelliness, regardless of if it is full or not!
Love, Sarah


  1. Sorry, no photo! I think we were all too stunned to even think of it! Derrick keeps saying that he is going to open a bag of rice and scatter it over the floor and take a picture so that we can at least capture a likeness! It was disturbing!
