For a few more pictures go here:
Just some tid bits about our life!
We left the Carson's earlier than usual, and headed to Bubba's Sulky Lounge in Portland for Tim's 30th birthday bash! With our awesome 90s inspired outfits we were unstoppable! Think neon, tight-rolled jeans, air jordans, and flannel! Jenny and Nate danced the night away while Steve-O ran the pool table and Derrick watched. I floated between the pool table and the dance floor. We even got Derrick out on the floor for a few songs! We decided not to bring the camera in with us, so unfortunately we did not get any good pictures of us in our outfits! But I am sure there are some floating around, I will try to aquire them!
After two late nights, we were very happy to sleep in on Sunday (not that Derrick didn't sleep in on Saturday. . .until 1pm!). I went to Freeport with Chrissy. It was really great to walk around and get a fresh lemonade and enjoy the sunshine. Good outlet sales didn't hurt either! When I got home, Derrick and I made dinner together and sat on the porch with our meal and some fresh squeezed lemonade! After dinner we spent some time in our new hammock! We love that we can spend time enjoying our wonderful yard finally! It feels like summer has finally arrived! I can't believe that it is mid July already.
Coming up we have several camping trips, birthday parties, and my parents' 30th wedding anniversary! The summer is going by so fast and I feel like we haven't gotten anything done! We have a bunch of outside projects that we haven't gotten to because of the rain and Derrick is building me more shelves in the hall closet. We are pretty happy that the few things in the garden that have not been destroyed by the rain are about ready to harvest. We have had some new potatoes, and we just noticed that the broccoli is ready. We have been loving enjoying some fresh food! All of my jams came out sooooo good! And I am looking forward to making some more when blueberry and apple seasons come along! Maybe you will get a jar if you are lucky!
Click here to view more pictures from the first few weeks of July: http://s295.photobucket.com/albums/mm160/arolin1/July%202009/
Love, Sarah
The last week has been fairly uneventful! I got out of work early on Thursday and Derrick went to a friend's house to play poker. Friday we slept in a bit and then puttered around the house. Derrick tried to mow the lawn, but the mower wouldn't start. We thought it might be the battery. Later in the afternoon we headed to Windham to Home Depot to spend some gift cards! After that we drove around looking for a place to eat. The two criteria for selection were that the place had to serve beer, and it had to be a place that we had never been before! We headed West on 302 to take a look at a place that we had passed a while ago. It looks like a pretty good place to get seafood, but alas, it does not meet the first requirement! So, we headed back East on 302 and ended up going to Rose's, which turned out to be really good! We thought long and hard about getting a pizza - it's a brick oven! - but I just had to try the chicken marsala and Derrick had to try the alfredo! Both were excellent and I think we will definitely go there again! We have to try the pizza next time! It was a very nice random date night!
We slept in again on Saturday, but got up in time to enjoy a bit of sunshine! Shocking! Derrick replaced the mower battery and managed to get the mower started. I think it was just water logged! He got most of the lawn done before the mower died again. It was a good thing too since he made it inside in time to not get hailed on! While he was mowing I was prepping for our trip to Becky's family camp on Little Sebago. We got all packed up and headed across town. . .straight towards the darkest clouds! It started to rain again just as we arrived! Luckily it cleared up after dinner time and we were able to take a ride on the boat and get some swimming in. The rest of the evening was spent around the fire and watching the fireworks going off all around the lake! The neighbors rowed out to the float and set off fireworks right overhead which was pretty amazing! All of the kids loved it! It was really great watching all of the kids running around and playing in the water! The brood just keeps growing and growing! Anyways, it was a really good fourth of July!
Sunday we slept in, yet again! And then we met Deb, Hailey, Kelsey, and Nate in Gorham for strawberry picking! Despite the massive amounts of rain that we have gotten, the crops were not bad. We picked about 12 pounds of strawberries! Crazy! After strawberry picking, Derrick met the guys for some disc golf and I went grocery shopping and home. The weather held out that evening and we were able to have a BBQ with the Farrars.
Going back to work after a long weekend is always the worst! And when the first day back is one of the nicest days in a while it is even tougher! But, somehow we made it through! We spent Monday night setting up the hammock stand and prepping strawberries for pie and jam! I made strawberry-rhubarb pie (thank you to the Farrars for the rhubarb!) and about 20 4oz jars of strawberry jam on Tuesday night. I hope the jam came out alright - it was the first time that I have ever made homemade jam! Tonight I am going to make Strawberry Margarita Jam and Berry Wine Jelly!! I can't wait to see how those come out! I wish it could be strawberry season all year round!
So, next time we see you we will probably have a little jar of jam for you! Until then. . .take care and stay dry!
Love, Sarah