Well, I am a little bit late, but I hope you all had a great New Years and that 2010 holds everything you hope for! Have you made your resolutions? Are you sticking to your resolutions? I have never made any resolutions. If I was to make one this year I think it would be to get rid of all of the "stuff" that is just sitting in the basement not being used! It is time for a purge! Besides, we need to make room for all the baby "stuff" we are going to need pretty soon:)
We spent New Years Eve at Josh and Becky's house. It was very low key, which was nice. But, definitely a change from past years! It really served to show how much life has changed for us and our group of friends! I went home shortly after midnight, though it was hard to leave considering the show Bo was putting on! The next day I made a big breakfast for all of our house guests. . .can it still be called breakfast when you eat it at noon time?
2010 has already proven to be filled with interesting goings-ons for us! The search for a new truck continues, and the rearranging of the house to make room for baby is well underway! The month of February is going to be an interesting one and should yield a plethora of humorous blog content - Jason and Amy and her two boys are coming to stay with us for the month until they can move into their new house! It will be cramped, but I am sure we will survive!
And that is all the news that is fit to print. . . I think. (I really just don't trust my memory these days!)
Remember that as of the end of January all blog content will be located exclusively at http://thecotefamilyadventures.shutterfly.com/. Leave us a comment, start a discussion, upload pictures, or just browse! Hope you visit us there!
Love Sarah
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Time for a new truck :(
So, the Monday after Christmas I wasn't feeling well and decided to call out of work. Derrick very rarely is driving to work by himself, but when he does he usually takes the truck. And it is a good thing that he does because less than a mile from the house he braked for a stop sign at the end of Mayall, and since they had not sanded yet the truck wouldn't stop. He slid out into 115 and was t-boned by a Lexus sedan.
He is alright, just a little bruised and sore. He was very lucky! When we went to clean out the truck and I saw the driver's side door I teared up and just turned and hugged Derrick really tightly!
Derrick is alright, but the truck is totalled. And so the search begins! We are hoping to get something without a payment and that can fit a carseat in the back:) We are looking on craigslist mostly, but won't actually buy anything until we get the settlement from the insurance company. Until then we are driving very carefully in my little Accent!
I am just amazed at how incredibly lucky Derrick was to get out of the accident virtually unharmed!! It could have been so much worse!! So, when you go home tonight, hug your spouse or significant other as tight as you can and tell them that you love them! Remember how lucky you are!!

Love, Sarah
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Pats vs. Jaguars
So, starting in the next few weeks I am going to begin using a new site for our blog! Until the end of January you will be able to find the same content in both places, but after that all of our pictures will be available on Shutterfly, and we will be using them for our family site! I think it will provide a much easier way to show pictures and videos, and they even have a message board feature that will allow us to chat with you, and you can all chat with eachother. If you are a member you can also upload your own content! The link is http://thecotefamilyadventures.shutterfly.com/. Let me know if you have problems accessing this link. If you want to be a member and be able to contribute content, please let me know and I will send an invitation.
This year for Christmas we got my parents tickets to the Patriots/Jaguars game on December 27th. They were very excited since neither of them had ever been to a game. We have a friend at work who has season tickets to the Pats that we decided to buy, and since he didn't want to break up the set of 4 D and I decided to go too! I had also never been to a game, so it was all very exciting!
On Saturday night we got some bad news though - my parents' truck, which we were planning on using on Sunday, was out of commission! After considering all of our options, including tailgating out of the Accent. . not good, we came up with a solution that ended up working out great for us - Josh and Becky let us borrow their van! It was awesome! Lot's of space and all of our stuff didn't get rained on!
We were meeting my parents in Scarborough at Cabellas, and while D was going to drive most of the way there, we decided it would be a good idea for me to drive to Cabella's so that the first time I was driving the van wasn't in traffic trying to get out of Foxborough!
We made it to Foxborough in pretty good time, and the rain started to slow down right about the time that we parked, so we didn't even put up the dining canopy. We had a nice feast of venison, lamb chops (my mom had never had lamb before. . .she loved it!), and hot dogs. The rain completely let up by the time we were all bundled up and ready to head to the stadium, so we were pretty happy! It was still kind of cold, but we survived! I absolutely cannot believe the amount of traffic that a football game generates! They must have to shut down a couple miles of route 1 right around the stadium every time there is a game. . .it's absolutely insane!!
We walked to the stadium, grabbed some drinks and found our seats. Low and behold we found the wrong seats!! We were one section over from where we were supposed to be. It was really no big deal, and aside from the guy in front of me who didn't like to sit in his seat, we were VERY happy with our third row seats!
It was a really great game, very few penalties and the Pats won by a landslide! The weather cleared up and we were just a few seats away from a kid dressed up as Randy Moss! We had a great time with my folks, and I am pretty sure they enjoyed themselves!
Love, Sarah
This year for Christmas we got my parents tickets to the Patriots/Jaguars game on December 27th. They were very excited since neither of them had ever been to a game. We have a friend at work who has season tickets to the Pats that we decided to buy, and since he didn't want to break up the set of 4 D and I decided to go too! I had also never been to a game, so it was all very exciting!
We were meeting my parents in Scarborough at Cabellas, and while D was going to drive most of the way there, we decided it would be a good idea for me to drive to Cabella's so that the first time I was driving the van wasn't in traffic trying to get out of Foxborough!
We made it to Foxborough in pretty good time, and the rain started to slow down right about the time that we parked, so we didn't even put up the dining canopy. We had a nice feast of venison, lamb chops (my mom had never had lamb before. . .she loved it!), and hot dogs. The rain completely let up by the time we were all bundled up and ready to head to the stadium, so we were pretty happy! It was still kind of cold, but we survived! I absolutely cannot believe the amount of traffic that a football game generates! They must have to shut down a couple miles of route 1 right around the stadium every time there is a game. . .it's absolutely insane!!
It was a really great game, very few penalties and the Pats won by a landslide! The weather cleared up and we were just a few seats away from a kid dressed up as Randy Moss! We had a great time with my folks, and I am pretty sure they enjoyed themselves!
We went back to the van and decided to stick around for a while so we weren't stuck in the initial rush of traffic. There were quite a few people who also stuck around, and a few of them were getting a bit rowdy! As the sun went down it started to get quite a bit colder, and after a few more snacks and beers we decided it was time to brave the traffic! It really could have been worse getting out of the parking lot, but I was a little bit nervous since I was driving a vehicle inside of which my car could fit at least twice. . .but, we made it through the insanity unscathed! I think I made my professional truck driver father a little bit nervous a few times, but all was good! A very special Thank You to Josh and Becky for the loan of their van! It would not have been the same in the Accent!
To see more pictures of our adventure in Foxborough, click here: http://picasaweb.google.com/Arolin11/PatsVsJaguars122709#
Love, Sarah
Monday, December 28, 2009
Five Christmases
I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas! This year was a busy one! We managed to fit five Christmases in three days! It was really great to spend time with family, but it was definitely a long weekend!
We began the festivities on the 24th in Lewiston at D's Memere's house for Christmas with his Dad and the rest of the Cotes. The whole family managed to make it up this year, so the house was packed!! There was delicious food and lot's of laughter. It was definitely the largest Cote Family Christmas I have been to! To see more pictures from our Christmas in Lewiston, click here: http://picasaweb.google.com/Arolin11/Christmas2009Lewiston#
We had to leave Lewiston just before dinner time to make it to Buxton for Christmas #2. This Christmas was with D's Mom and Brother. The family just keeps growing and growing! This year, Amy's boys celebrated with us and I think they had a good time. Cammy had fun playing with Uncle Derrick, and although we had already had plenty to eat, we managed to consume even more great food! To see more pictures from our Christmas in Buxton, click here:http://picasaweb.google.com/Arolin11/Christmas2009Buxton#
We got spend Christmas morning just the two of us! Which was great since it was the last peaceful Christmas morning we will get for a very long time! We got up and opened stockings, then had a great breakfast! Then we opened our presents at a very leisurley pace. Sorry, we didn't get any pictures!
For the afternoon it was off to Kezar Falls for Christmas with my family. My parents have a friend and her two daughters living with them, so it was quite a full house! It was great to see everyone though and I was glad that we go to congratulate my brother and his fiancee on their engagement! That's right, my little brother is getting married! They grow up so fast:) We had a great time opening presents, and my parents were VERY surprised with their last gift. . .tickets to the Patriots game on Sunday! My dad cried! The funniest part of the evening came at dinner time when we were eating our Christmas turkey and little Molly kept falling asleep sitting up with her fork in her mouth! Apparently she was too excited to sleep the night before! Too funny! For more pictures of our Kezar Falls Christmas, click here: http://picasaweb.google.com/Arolin11/Christmas2009Kezar#
Tracey came to stay at our house after Christmas in Kezar and we spent a nice lazy morning together on Saturday. It was good to relax a little bit. Saturday night we headed back to Buxton for Christmas with the Poole and DiBiase families. The nieces and nephews have all grown up so much! We realized that we hadn't seen the DiBiase family since the wedding, and the Poole kids since well before that. They have all grown a foot, and I think a few of them might be shaving already! Or at least that is the way it seems. We enjoyed some delicious fondue and watching the craziness as we try to keep 7 kids under control. They all loved the Nerf swords we got for them. A loud, collective "AAAWWWW!" could be heard when they opened them. Next year it will be even crazier!
We began the festivities on the 24th in Lewiston at D's Memere's house for Christmas with his Dad and the rest of the Cotes. The whole family managed to make it up this year, so the house was packed!! There was delicious food and lot's of laughter. It was definitely the largest Cote Family Christmas I have been to! To see more pictures from our Christmas in Lewiston, click here: http://picasaweb.google.com/Arolin11/Christmas2009Lewiston#
For the afternoon it was off to Kezar Falls for Christmas with my family. My parents have a friend and her two daughters living with them, so it was quite a full house! It was great to see everyone though and I was glad that we go to congratulate my brother and his fiancee on their engagement! That's right, my little brother is getting married! They grow up so fast:) We had a great time opening presents, and my parents were VERY surprised with their last gift. . .tickets to the Patriots game on Sunday! My dad cried! The funniest part of the evening came at dinner time when we were eating our Christmas turkey and little Molly kept falling asleep sitting up with her fork in her mouth! Apparently she was too excited to sleep the night before! Too funny! For more pictures of our Kezar Falls Christmas, click here: http://picasaweb.google.com/Arolin11/Christmas2009Kezar#
I think that is about it for our crazy Christmas! I love the giving and receiving of presents, but five Christmases is more than enough! Hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and that Santa brought you everything that you wanted! Now we can look forward to an exciting 2010!!!
Love, Sarah
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Auburn Lights
The other day Derrick and I drove up to see the Auburn Lights Show. For those of you that don't know, a family in Auburn puts up a ton of lights and creates a show set to Christmas music! It is really really cool and I wish we had been able to stay and watch all of the songs! There was quite a bit of traffic and we had dinner reservations at Fuel, but we got to see a couple of really good songs! Here is a video, hope you enjoy it! (sorry it's so dark, it was from inside the car :P)
I probably won't get a chance to blog again until after Christmas, so to all of our friends and family - We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Love, Sarah
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Playing catch-up. . .
Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is on it's way! I haven't updated you on what we have been doing in quite a while, so I thought I would try to catch you all up!
In mid-October D went on a fishing/camping trip with Jason, Steve-O, and Blinky. They went to West Grand Lake which is up north somewhere! I thought they were crazy because it was supposed to be freezing and rainy the entire weekend. But, other than a little bit of rain and cold and waking up to ice on the boat one morning, they had a good time and no one froze to death! Oh yeah, and everyone stayed in the boat and noone contracted any kind of bacteria! They spent most of their time eating! But when they did fish, D broke his unlucky fishing streak by finally catching a fish! See more pictures from their trip here.

D has also been busy the last few months building the beautiful tarp shed that is now gracing our yard! It has plenty of room for the motorcycle, riding lawn mower, and snow blower. And I think the cats like it when it is raining! It is constructed using PVC pipe, rebar, wood, and tarp. To see more pictures of the tarp shed construction click here.

We had a good time on Halloween! Us and the Farrars headed to the O'Braffam's house in SoPo for their annual party. D went as a Doozer and I went as a Care Bear. We dyed the clothes ourselves! Click here to see Al and Peg Bundy, Pee Wee Herman, Jem, and many more from the Childhood TV Shows-themed bash!

As for what I have been up to. . .not much really! Just puttering around the house and starting to think about organizing to make room for baby! I did finally make applesauce though! I got to use my new peeler/corer thingy, and it worked great! I love it and it makes peeling apples go by so much faster!

Thanksgiving weekend was a lot of fun. Thursday we went to Nola and Ken's house in Buxton in the morning, followed my folks' house in Kezar for the evening. Two turkey dinners in one day is too many!!!! It was really great to get to see everyone, and we got see my aunts and uncle who we don't get to see very often. Sunday evening we hosted a small gathering at our house with Roger, Jason, Amy, and the boys. We opted against turkey and went for the ham! Although we don't quite have a table big enough for 7 people, we had a great meal and everyone had fun! To see a few more pictures of our Sunday night Thanksgiving, click here.
The big news of Thanksgiving weekend is that about two months after we become new parents we will also be Auntie and Uncle since Jason and Amy announced that they are expecting a bundle of joy in July! Congrats to Jason and Amy! We can't wait to meet the new addition to the family!
It was definitely a weekend full of lots to be thankful for! I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, full of family and friends!
Till next time. . .
Love, Sarah
In mid-October D went on a fishing/camping trip with Jason, Steve-O, and Blinky. They went to West Grand Lake which is up north somewhere! I thought they were crazy because it was supposed to be freezing and rainy the entire weekend. But, other than a little bit of rain and cold and waking up to ice on the boat one morning, they had a good time and no one froze to death! Oh yeah, and everyone stayed in the boat and noone contracted any kind of bacteria! They spent most of their time eating! But when they did fish, D broke his unlucky fishing streak by finally catching a fish! See more pictures from their trip here.
D has also been busy the last few months building the beautiful tarp shed that is now gracing our yard! It has plenty of room for the motorcycle, riding lawn mower, and snow blower. And I think the cats like it when it is raining! It is constructed using PVC pipe, rebar, wood, and tarp. To see more pictures of the tarp shed construction click here.
We had a good time on Halloween! Us and the Farrars headed to the O'Braffam's house in SoPo for their annual party. D went as a Doozer and I went as a Care Bear. We dyed the clothes ourselves! Click here to see Al and Peg Bundy, Pee Wee Herman, Jem, and many more from the Childhood TV Shows-themed bash!
As for what I have been up to. . .not much really! Just puttering around the house and starting to think about organizing to make room for baby! I did finally make applesauce though! I got to use my new peeler/corer thingy, and it worked great! I love it and it makes peeling apples go by so much faster!
Thanksgiving weekend was a lot of fun. Thursday we went to Nola and Ken's house in Buxton in the morning, followed my folks' house in Kezar for the evening. Two turkey dinners in one day is too many!!!! It was really great to get to see everyone, and we got see my aunts and uncle who we don't get to see very often. Sunday evening we hosted a small gathering at our house with Roger, Jason, Amy, and the boys. We opted against turkey and went for the ham! Although we don't quite have a table big enough for 7 people, we had a great meal and everyone had fun! To see a few more pictures of our Sunday night Thanksgiving, click here.
It was definitely a weekend full of lots to be thankful for! I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, full of family and friends!
Till next time. . .
Love, Sarah
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Announcing. . .
I have not written in ages! Ever since the wedding our life has calmed down quite a bit and we don't have as much to tell you about!
The biggest we have going on right now (for those of you that don't already know) is that we are going to have a baby in May! I am almost 14 weeks along and the estimated due date is May 15th (the same day that my mom was due to be born!). Here is a shot from our very first ultrasound! Little baby Cote is waving! It was amazing to see the little hand moving and the heart beating!
So, to answer the inevitable question: No, we are probably not going to find out if it is a boy or a girl! I know, we are crazy! But I think that extra surprise at the end will be totally worth the wait!
I have felt really good so far, no morning sickness at all! I have been extra tired though! We are very excited to watch the baby grow and to share the experience with all of you! I will keep you updated as we go along!!
Love, Sarah
The biggest we have going on right now (for those of you that don't already know) is that we are going to have a baby in May! I am almost 14 weeks along and the estimated due date is May 15th (the same day that my mom was due to be born!). Here is a shot from our very first ultrasound! Little baby Cote is waving! It was amazing to see the little hand moving and the heart beating!

I have felt really good so far, no morning sickness at all! I have been extra tired though! We are very excited to watch the baby grow and to share the experience with all of you! I will keep you updated as we go along!!
Love, Sarah
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