Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In The Beginning!

So, here it is! I finally decided to start a blog! I can't guarantee that I will have something to say every day, or even every week! But, I will do my best to keep you all up to date on the totally exciting world that is our life! Haha!
Seriously, things are happening for us right now! We are at 38 days and counting until the big day and we are so excited! There is not a whole lot left to do, mostly just a few details like printing programs and organizing! Never the less, that is plenty!
I had my bachelorette party on Friday, April 17th. The girls totally surprised me! I had no idea what we were doing! We went to the Chippendale's show at the Roxy in Boston!!! It was sooo much fun! I even got up on stage, yikes! I have the best friends and the best sister a girl could ask for! I wish that everyone had been able to make it, but we will hopefully be able to go out for a wild night locally before the wedding!
Derrick's bachelor party is on May 2nd. It was supposed to be a surprise, and for a very short while he was convinced that they were going to Canada, but Jason let the cat out of the bag and now he is very excited to be going to Atlantic City! While he is gone I will be attending my bridal shower, which my Mom is very excited about keeping a complete secret!
The biggest new is that we have the honeymoon booked! Costa Rica here we come!!! Woo Hoo! I can't wait! We are planning some adventurous outings, as well as some good relaxation time, which I am sure we will need by then!
In the meantime, we are busy planning another year of gardening! Our favorite local nursery opens this week and we are psyched to get to go pick out flowers and veggies! Derrick REALLY wants to put in a berry patch and some fruit trees, we just have not been able to find exactly what we want! I am going to be busy overhauling the retaining wall and probably along the front of the house. Time to do something about it as it is way too out of control! Don't worry, we will have plenty of veggies and canned goods to share with everyone!
I think that is all for now! I am sure I will have more later! Talk to you soon!
Love, Sarah

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