Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Hostas

The weekend before the big birthday bash (yeah, I know, that was forever ago!) I decided that I really needed to do something about the hosta bed that lines the back of the house. It was just impossible to keep up with the weeds without also cutting up the hostas. So I decided to line it out and make it look all nice and neat! This is what it looked like before:

I dug up all of the weeds and and lined out the front of the bed with some nice stones that I found at Lowes. It took me a while to dig up all of the weeds and grass because I had to keep stopping and getting through the shivers because of all of the spiders crawling all over the cement of the foundation!! You would have been proud though because I got through it and I only had to have D come over and pull up a few clumps!! I spread the work out over a couple of days, but it all got done and the mulch got spread! Doesn't it look great!

We have had a lot of projects going on, but the most exciting news (current news I promise) is that D bought me a pink netbook for my birthday and we both just got iPhones!! It is really great to finally be up with all the new technology, but now we can sit and not talk to eachother in whole new ways!!

To see more pictures of the hosta bed project, click here.
Love, Sarah


We went to the Sebago brewfest a while back (I am really behind in my posts!!). I was designated driver for the boys and ended up with Derrick, Steve-O, Blinky, and Bo in the car. It took twice as long to get there as it should have, cause, well, I had a car full of boys!! The brewfest was at Point Sebago on the beach. They had a couple of gigantic tents set up and it ended up being a beautiful day!

There were quite a few people there and they had a band. They had some pretty good options for food. I had a chili dog early on and of course I dripped chili all over my shirt pretty much right away!! They also had some delicious pulled pork sandwiches, and of course the gigantic turkey legs!! Derrick, Bo, and Blinky looked like they were cavemen looking for a wife to club over the head!!

Meghan and Tim and Katie and Brad also went to the brewfest, so we got to spend some time with them. We saw a few other people that we knew and a good time was had by all! We stuck around for a little while at the end so that we could avoid most of the traffic. It was a fun brewfest and I am excited for next year. . .I already called NOT DD!!
Click here for more pictures from the brewfest.
Love, Sarah